Black Rock Primary School - Technology at BRPS

Technology at BRPS

At Black Rock Primary School we have a firm belief that in the primary school setting devices should be supplied by the school. We believe that every family should be able to decide whether or not they have devices in their own household and this is why we do not have a BYOD program at our school, setting us apart from most other schools.

Our Foundation and Year 1 students have access to school-managed iPads that are used to supplement the learning program while our Year 2-6's use Chromebooks.

As we are a Chromebook school, our students use the Google for Education suite with the DET supplied accounts. We believe that by using these Google suite, our students are given the opportunity to learn how to use word processing tools, create a range of presentations for projects and how to create spreadsheets while also working collaboratively with their peers. The students use the following apps during learning: