Black Rock Primary School - Chinese


Modern Standard Chinese - Mandarin (Putonghua or Hanyu) is the standard form of the Chinese language being taught in line with the Victorian Curriculum at Black Rock Primary School.

The content structure of the Languages (formerly called LOTE) is organised through two interrelated strands:


The Chinese program consists of a variety of topics which, where possible, will be integrated with the Black Rock Primary School Units of Inquiry.

Students learn Chinese characters and Pinyin Romanisation. The Pinyin is the spelling system used to represent the pronunciation of characters. The Pinyin system also assists students when creating texts in characters using digital media.

Revision of greetings, self- introduction, numbers, days and dates will occur in all lessons throughout the year. Other previously learnt phrases, e.g. like/dislike, colours and adjectives will be used as they are required.

Chinese cultural events will be dealt with as they occur throughout the year.

Students are encouraged to use Chinese as much as possible for classroom routines, social interactions, structured learning tasks, and language experimentation and practice. Students learning will be also facilitated via digital technologies.

A Select group of Level 6 students will be invited to participate in the Chinese CEAL program. The aim of the program is to accelerate learning from the children’s current level of achievement.

Foundation Topics

Level 1 and Level 2 Topics

Level 3 and Level 4 Topics

 Level 5 and Level 6 Topics