Black Rock Primary School - English


The English program at BRPS is structured to ensure Reading and Viewing, Writing and Speaking and Listening outcomes from the Victorian Curriculum are met. 

Speaking and Listening

Students at BRPS are given ample opportunities to practice their presentation skills. News Reports and project presentations occur frequently and students are encouraged to use a wide range of presenting techniques to support their work.

Reading and Viewing

The Reading and Viewing curriculum is supported by the CAFE' Reading approach. Students focus on comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary during their reading sessions with their teacher.


We use the VCOP Writing approach during writing sessions, encouraging students to focus on using ambitious vocabulary, cool connectives, varied openers and power punctuation when writing pieces on a supplied stimulus (Cold Write or Big Write). Students review their work with the VCOP focus and create their own learning goals to focus on for their next Cold Write or Big Write.

The following links provide students with great interactive activities to help develop and consolidate English skills taught in the classroom.

Reading Eggs
ABC Splash
Aesop's Fables
BBC Bitesize
BBC Skillwise
Dreamtime Stories
Fun Brain Spelling
Myths, Legends and Folktales
Poetry Writing
Read, Write, Think Parent Resources