Black Rock Primary School - 1930-1940


In 1930 the Mothers' Club minutes record that it was decided "to buy a book for the girl who distinguished herself at spelling".

The following year certificates were awarded to children for best work in Pastel, Raffia, Sewing, Cakes or Scones, Biscuits, Maps and Spelling.

Awards were also given for the Best Garden, Best Pot Plants, Best Wild Flowers and Best Decorated Portion of the Quadrangle.

The revised Course of Study in 1934 generated considerable interest with the Mothers' Club Minutes recording the need for many new books and much equipment to implement the new curricula.

The Mothers' Club was also active in 1935 in supplementing the four gallons of milk supplied free, with another four gallons for which there was a charge of threepence per child or sixpence per family per week.

However two years later the minutes of the Mothers' Club recorded that Mr. Stephens (H.T.) said "there was no need for the Mothers' Club to provide milk for the children as those he thought needed milk were supplied with it through the State Relief Committee".

In 1936 the School Committee asked the Department for sheltersheds to be built from the old classrooms. This was to be a continuing issue over the next few years.


Mr. Stephens, in 1938, personally purchased a filmstrip and slide projector which he offered to allow to remain at the school when he left if the Mothers' Club would use the monies raised at the Australian Tea for repairs to the sheltersheds.

The Tea had been organised specifically to raise twelve guineas to reimburse Mr. Stephens; but following his offer the Club decided to finance the repairs up to 20.

In spite of this by 1939 the repair of the sheltersheds was still a problem.

An appeal was made to residents of Black Rock to buy one shilling shares in the sheltersheds. Members of the Mothers' Club canvassed the district on a door to door basis so successfully that the repairs were completed and paid for before the end of September.

Other happenings recorded during this decade were

  • 1936 - a prize was awarded to every child who attended every day of the school year;
  • 1937 - a drum band was established. This was made possible by the donation of drums and money by Councillor Menadue and Mr. P. Mitchell;
  • the Infantile Paralysis epidemic curtailed activities of the school, especially social functions;
  • 1938 - children and parents jointly conducted an appeal to raise money for the victims of the January bush fires.

Next: 1940-1950
Back: 1920-1930